Hinduism and Death:
Hinduism teaches everyone that any decision to find permanent happiness during this world is Maya (an illusion). Life and Death are both an area of Maya. Hindus believe that when a soul dies, it gets born into a replacement body. The cycle of death and rebirth (samsara) ends only a soul realizes its true nature (indistinguishable from absolutely the godhead, which Hindus call Brahman). This realization (moksha) is liberation and it’s getting to take many lifetimes of effort during a human body to realize.
Each group in society (varna) has its own dharma or duties which must be followed.
The speed which a private are often freed from samsara will depend on karma, which is that the law of cause and effect which teaches that every one action have these results:
Samchita Karma– the karma from previous lives
Paapa- sinful actions within the past which cause suffering
Agami Karma– the actions performed within this life and which may affect the long run

Heaven and Hell
According to the Puranas (Hindu sacred texts), there are 14 realms of existence. Seven are lower than the human realm and 6 are higher; putting us and our world within the center. the upper worlds are Svarga (meaning heaven) and thus the three highest realms are Brahmaloka, the earth of Brahman and God.
The lower worlds (the worlds of suffering and depravity) are mentioned as Naraka (a word that comes from the Vedas which is that the oldest Hindu scripture). Other lower worlds are mentioned as Yamaloka, the earth of Yama, Lord of Justice, who punishes sinners for his or her sins.
Good or bad death?
This is just a practice but Hindus believe that death leads to a neighbourhood where there’s peace and fulfilment rather than a neighbourhood for suffering. an honest death is one that happens at the prosperous or holy time to which a private can surrender peacefully. a nasty death is one that’s premature or violent. to possess an honest death, Hindus have a Brahmin priest that helps the dying person to stay focused on God by saying the name of Ram (a Hindu God) or a healing mantra (a prayer or a chant). a private who has died features a peaceful expression and their eyes and mouth (where the spirit exits) are slightly open.
The Afterlife
The realms souls travel after death is known as samsara, as mentioned above. they’re impermanent. Souls that are within the lower realms leave once they learned their lessons and souls within the upper realms leave when desire draws them back to the middle world (us). this is often where they generate new karma. This movement is unending and is generated by a soul’s own belief in its separateness from absolutely the. Salvation comes through the highest of grasping, desire, and belief during this separation.
The Fate of a private Upon Death
What happens to a soul after the death of a mortal being on earth depends upon many factors, a number of which are listed below:
1. His previous deeds: If an individual has committed many bad deeds in his life, he will attend the lower worlds and suffer from the results of his evil actions. On the contrary, if he performed good deeds, he will attend the upper sun-filled worlds and luxuriate in life there. One’s choices and ways of life also are important. A householder should lead a balanced life and pursue all the four aims of life as a neighbourhood of his service to God. The Isa Upanishad clearly emphasizes it.
2. His state of mind at the time of death, that’s what thoughts and what desires were predominant in his consciousness at the time of his death, decides during which direction the jiva will travel and in what form it’ll appear again. for instance, if an individual is thinking of his family and youngsters at the time of his death, very likely he will go the planet of ancestors and can change state again therein family. If an individual is thinking of cash matters at the time of his death, very likely he will visit the planet of Vishnu and can change the state as a merchant or a trader in his next birth. If an individual is thinking of evil and negative thoughts he will attend the lower worlds and suffer within the hands of evil. His suffering may either reform him or push him deeper into evil depending upon his previous samskaras( tendencies). If he’s thinking of God at the time of his death, he will attend the very best world.
3. The time of his death: The time and circumstances associated with death also are important. for instance, it’s believed that if an individual dies on a battlefield he will attain the heaven of the soldiers. If someone dies on a festival day or an auspicious day, while performing some puja or bhajan within the house, he will attend heaven regardless of his previous deeds.
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